• MOSAIC Voyages is concerned about maintaining a trustworthy and close relationship with its customers.
    That is why, we have designed a loyalty card specially for you.
    You can cumulate points when purchasing full packages with MOSAIC Voyages. Then you can convert them into coupons and also enjoy special offers with our partners

    carte fidelite Mosaic Voyages PLUS

    • You can subscribe to our loyalty program through several ways:

    -We offer you 200 points when you receive your card

    -For the purchase of a full package in 2014 of at least 20,000 rmb and on simple request, you will be offered the card with 200 points for free
    -You can buy the card MOSAIC Voyages PLUS for 200 rmb

    • How to get the card?

    – Our travel advisors will be glad to register you among our MOSAIC Voyages PLUS members. It’s very simple to get it, you can contact a travel advisor, and you come to get your card at the agency.

    •  How to access to the upper status?

    The more you travel, the more you are rewarded. Reach the VIP status after having purchased three full trip packages with MOSAIC Voyages in the current year.

  • •    200 points are offered automatically when you receive the card.
    •    The higher the total amount of your purchase is and the more points you can earn.
    •    Our exchange points system works as following (excluding purchase of train and plane tickets only)-  please refer to FAQ for further details:

    points conversion loyalty prog

    • With the sponsoring system
    • When Contributing to MOSAIC Voyages brand image

    We value your experience ! Express yourself on MOSAIC Voyages Blog (through interview or photos) and earn 100 points.

    Share the link of our website within your social network and receive 50 points.

  • Help us to extend our community and receive points as a sponsor!
    – A sponsor introducing a new customer who contacts Mosaic Voyages, earns 50 points.
    – As a sponsor, you will receive 50 % of the points cumulated by the first trip of the sponsored person


    • The advantages of our program:

    –    You cumulate points from the first Yuan spent with MOSAIC  Voyages
    –    No need to reach a minimum threshold before using your points.
    –    You travel with your family? As a couple? Collect all your points in the same card.

    • Your advantages:

    – Benefit from our free payment pick-up service at your home.
    – Enjoy special offers with our partners

    • Consulting my points online

    Log in your account with your user ID and password. This information will be given to you when you subscribe.

    •   If purchasing a full package

    Use your points to purchase your next trips with MOSAIC Voyages. The points conversion reference is: 10 points = 10 ¥

    Package trip icon

    •  If purchasing train ticket only, plane ticket only or hotel nights

    Use your points to purchase your next trip with MOSAIC Voyages. The points conversion reference is 10 points= 5¥

    transport hotel secs

    • Partners: Show your MOSAIC PLUS card to our partners and enjoy!

    In order to extend the MOSAIC Voyages experience, each quarter, we carefully select partners such as restaurants, cultural centers, private lessons and lot more… The offers have been created only for you so that you discover China another way.

  • •    How can I know the amount of points I have?
    Quite simply, by logging in our website with your user ID and password. This information will be given to you when you subscribe.
    •    Can I earn points when purchasing train or plane ticket?
    The applied rule is as following: on the quotation, when the transport ticket price appears separately from the package, in this case, you do not earn points from the purchase of ticket. However, if the ticket price is included in the package, you can earn points.
    But if you buy plane ticket only or train ticket only, you cannot earn points.

    •    What is a full package?
    It is a trip including: transportation, hotels, the guide, the car rental and entrance tickets fees to the tourist sites.
    •    Can several persons be registered on MOSAIC PLUS card?
    The members of a same household can cumulate points on the same card. So, if you are a family: parents and children can subscribe on the same card. It is the same, if you are a couple. A main member will be chosen to be the privileged interlocutor with our sales team.
    •    I leave China: What can I do with my points left?
    You have many possibilities :
    –    Buy your last trip with us and use your points left.
    –    Sponsor a new member and he will get the totality of your points on his card
    –    You can also offer the totality of your points to a friend already member at MOSAIC Voyages.
    •    If I don’t travel with MOSAIC Voyages for a long period of time, after how long my card is desactivated?
    Your account is cancelled after one year, if no points flow has been registered on your card. Therefore, you will unfortunately lose all the points accumulated before and will be unsubscribed of our loyalty programme.
    •    How does the payment pick up service at home work?
    A member of MOSAIC or a courier will come to collect the payment at your home on working days. The payment methods accepted are: cash payment or the Chinese credit card.
    •    I share a link of your blog and/or website on my network page/blog, how can I prove it?
    You can send an email to marketing@mosaic-voyage.com with the link of the concerned website and a screen shot.